8 Ways to Help When Loving Someone With an Addiction
Our nationwide network of treatment centers has helped thousands of individuals find lasting recovery and rediscover the joy of living. We offer personalized treatment plans tailored to individual needs, creating a path toward healing and hope. Reach out today to to learn about your treatment options, and let us help you start the journey to recovery. Getting the courage to leave someone with a substance use disorder is never easy, and it requires changing behaviors that you have engaged in for a long time. Before leaving someone struggling with addiction, you can try to get them to seek the help they need.
Something I’ve heard from a couple people who are recovered addicts is that if an addict “really loves you,” they will go to treatment if you just stay consistent with them and don’t give up. I’ve probably latched onto this advice more than I should have as https://ecosoberhouse.com/ a reason to stay with the addict I’ve been with for about a year now, but I’m curious what other folks think. Do you think someone can truly love you, know that continuing their habit means losing you, and still not be ready to go to rehab? I think if I could really believe this, it would help me feel better about letting him go. The fallout from an addiction, for addicts and the people who love them, is devastating – the manipulations, the guilt, the destruction of relationships and the breakage of people. When addicts know they are loved by someone who is invested in them, they immediately have fuel for their addiction.
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- I doubt he’ll let me down.You see, I reckon this is my life with him.
- It’s been even more heartbreaking to watch the effect on the people I love who are closer to him than I am.
- This can include regularly lying, cheating or stealing.
- I’ve probably latched onto this advice more than I should have as a reason to stay with the addict I’ve been with for about a year now, but I’m curious what other folks think.
- We understand how difficult this journey can be, and we’re here to offer support and guidance every step of the way.
So, make it a conscious to remain neutral when you’re in a relationship with an addict. It loving an addict does not have to affect your relationship with them yet even though their behavior may get to you in a negative way. A few scenarios may be involved when loving an addict or when you find yourself in a relationship with someone that has an addiction. First could be loving them or being in a relationship with them before they become an addict and you may be wondering how to manage that. There are some steps you can take once you have decided the time has come to let go of an addict you love.
Living with an Addict
Many people choose not to believe this, but that doesn’t make it any less true. Once you can really grasp the reality of this concept and live by it, your life will become much easier. Whatever your particular situation is, acceptance of what you are dealing with in your life is the first survival tip for loving an addicted person. Learning how to deal with reality is the most important first step in “surviving” when you love an addicted person. Although it may seem easier to stay in the “fantasy space” where you can continue to believe that things are going to magically get better, there is no such magic.
When you love an addict, it’s vital to start with an understanding of the nature of addiction and what causes it. When you’re learning how being in love with an addict should be handled, you want to focus on continuing to love that person, but doing so within the framework of boundaries and the elimination of enabling. Instead, it’s important to understand what addiction is, and the real ways that you can help an addicted loved one. Loving an addict, whether it’s a parent or child, or you’re in love with an addict romantically, is one of the most difficult things you will likely face in your life. Addiction is so shameful for the addict—despite what loved ones often believe about addiction, the addict really does suffer.
To keep being in a relationship with an addict and make it work, you need to be positive about the outcomes. Don’t get this wrong, it may not be that easy especially if you’ve never experienced it before. So, whether you’re a student, career woman, or a single mom with children, try to concentrate on your personal and career life. So, be there for them but also be there for yourself so you can grow with or without them. So it’s drug addiction treatment advised you take some time out once in a while to breathe again. Hang out with other friends, a family member or take a walk once in a while to calm your nerves.
Stay in the know.
You might spend hours feeling your way through “if onlys” or “maybes,” yet know in your heart that you are powerless over the addiction and your loved one’s situation. Staying in a relationship with an addicted person can negatively affect both of you. This includes mental health problems, codependency, or developing an addiction.
You would need it to let some things go even though you may not know. Unfortunately, learning how to let go of an addict you love is much easier said than done. They appreciate the author’s respectful and non-judgmental tone. Many say it’s a good starting point and worth buying. It was as if you were talking directly to me about all my very own thoughts and feelings, and that is why I knew I needed a copy of this book for myself. “Self-caring” means that you respect yourself enough to take good care of yourself in healthy and holistic ways such as making sure your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs are met.